團體膳食製備與管理實習 = Quantity food preparation and management practice / 李義川編著
團體膳食規劃與實務 = The plan and management of group meal / 李義川著
嬰幼兒膳食與營養 = The meal plan and nutrition for infant and young child / 李義川著
餐飲安全與衛生 = Food safety and sanitation / 李義川作
團體膳食製備與管理 = Quantity food preparation and management / 李義川編著
老人服務與社區照顧 : 多元服務的觀點 = Senior service and community care : from the view of multi-services / 陳燕禎著
老人服務與照護 = Elderly services and care / 陳人豪等著
老人心理學 = The psychology of aging / 彭駕騂著
老人營養學 = Geriatric nutrition / 賴明宏著
銀髮照顧產業之發展 : 資源整合的觀點 = Development trends of elderly care industry : from the perspective of integration of resources / 陳燕禎著