餐廳開發與規劃 = Restaurant development and planning / 蔡毓峰,陳柏蒼著
餐廳設備與器具概論 = Introduction to restaurant equipment and tools / 蔡毓峰著
餐廳規劃與設計 = Restaurant development and design / 蔡毓峯, 陳柏蒼著
餐飲安全與衛生 = Food safety and sanitation / 李義川著
餐旅服務品質管理 = Perceptions of service quality in the hospitality industry / 王斐青著
烘焙實務 = Baking practice / 孟兆慶著
餐旅採購與成本控制 = Purchasing management and cost control for the hospitality industry / 蘇芳基著