高齡生活輔具應用 = Applications of assistive technology devices for the elderly / 毛慧芬等作
中風個案職能治療服務準則 : 實證治療 = Occupational therapy guideline for stroke : evidence-based practice / 毛慧芬等作 ; 吳菁宜主編
銀髮族改善生活品質好幫手 : 輔具全攻略 / 毛慧芬編著
高齡及特殊族群之運動處方 = Exercise prescription for the elderly and special populations / 李淑芳等作
老人服務事業概論 = Introduction to senior services / 梁亞文等作
失智症照護 = Dementia care / 傅中玲等作
高齡者居住空間規劃與設計 = The planning and design of the environment for the elderly / 曾思瑜作