餐飲營養學 : 維持健康生活全人照護之磐石 = Catering nutrition / 李義川著
餐飲法規 = Food and beverage regulations / 李義川著
團體膳食製備與管理實習 = Quantity food preparation and management practice / 李義川編著
團體膳食規劃與實務 = The plan and management of group meal / 李義川著
老人營養與膳食製備 = Geriatric nutrition and meal preparation / 李義川著
餐廳設備與器具概論 = Introduction to restaurant equipment and tools / 蔡毓峰著
世界飲食與文化 = World cuisine and food culture / 王瑤芬等著
廚藝概論 = Introduction to culinary arts / 施坤河等著 ; 楊昭景主編
餐旅採購與成本控制 = Purchasing management and cost control for the hospitality industry / 蘇芳基著
餐旅服務管理與實務 = Management and operation in hospitality / 蘇芳基編著